The Ministry of Living and Testifying The Truth
  1. Called to testify and live out the Truth <2 Cor 4: 1-6> - Even though we are unable to live out the truth all the time, we always have the heart to want to do so.
    1. Acknowledge Jesus is the Incarnation of Truth (BELIEF)
    2. Commend himself to every man’s conscious before God - Live out Christ in all ways that with a man’s conscious, he / she can see Christ through you (WORK)
    3. Preach Christ as Lord, and we as your servants for Jesus’s sake (with full humility and genuine motive) (ATTITUDE)
  2. By the all-surpassing power of God <2 Cor 4: 7-12>
    1. Treasure in this jars of clay - Treasure: Truth of gospel that is imprinted in his heart. Jars of clay: Physical body and personality. (It is nothing from us that we can testify and live out the Truth, it is all from the treasure of gospel)
    2. Paradoxical experiences - They are not to crush us but they are for God to show His power, everlasting and preserving love for us through the bad situations. You need to look back to the experiences, you then can see is His faithfulness, grace and blessings for you to go through everything. Hence, your faith can be developed and you will know how to pray in the future during bad situations.
    3. Death is at work in us, but life is at work in you - 
  3. Fix your eyes on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal <2 Cor 4: 16-18> - Spiritual strength comes from what you see.
    1. <16> Outwardly, we are wasting away, yet inwardly, we are renewed day by day - Outward degeneration (physical or even failures). Hence, you’ve no choice to live by faith, and this is renewing inwardly. Without the outward degeneration, it is difficult for people to renew inwardly because they think they still can depend on themselves.
    2. <17> For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all - Each time when you’re suffering in your flesh, remember it is a light and momentary trouble, there is an eternal kingdom waiting for you.
    3. <18> Fix your eyes on what is unseen. Cultivate it as your spiritual nature.