Make every effort to enter through the Narrow Door

<Luke 13: 22 - 30>

Be a Christian that God can recognise you as child of God, not stranger - Gospel must be all you need, your first priority.

1. World we are living in (World view)

1) Transient: Jesus Christ will close the door one day - It is only opens now for the gospel to be spread.

2) Hypocrites: Try hard to enter the narrow door - Religion or not born again (Gospel is not all they need).

3) Destiny: Destiny of people going through the wider gate vs narrow door [eternal torment vs eternal kingdom] - Only through Jesus Christ, one is not able to enter through the narrow door and enter the kingdom. [unless you are born again, you cannot enter the kingdom of God]

2. Make every effort
A lot of times, we are a double-minded person - does not weigh which is more important in your life, having a dilemma. We need to weigh where should you put your bet on, what is the most blessed choice = that entering the narrow door; following God and going through the born again path, is the more important.

How to weigh?
1)  Believe that Jesus is the only way in all things - to heaven (absolute truth). We need to know the our God is the great prophet, priest and king. Be slow to try to solve our problems but be fast to face God first.
 - many times our problem is we are not absolute in believing this
- Jesus = Great Prophet, Great Priest and Great King 
  —> when we see this, only can we be thorough and “all the way” in believing in him, rather than be tossed by the seen things 

2) We need to have the right value - Value must not be on what we can see but what we cannot see. [kingdom, the fact that God is with us E.g. Emmanuel]. Ask yourself, do you delight in achievements on earth more or eternal kingdom more?

3) Right perspective of yourself
(1) Child of God
(2) With promises - God’s with you, God’s guiding you through HS - giving you a believing heart, God answers all your answers <John 15: 7>, God gives you authority to fight over Satan - submission itself is a form of authority and God gives us eternal inheritance.

3. Life of entering the narrow door

1) Set apart for the kingdom - Follow your heart (the desires of HS) and do not lose heart. 

2) Pursue a living system - Remain in the word and always pray with a believing heart - If you don’t talk to God, how is He going to tell you about His perfect will? After knowing His will, we need to submit to Him <Luke 11: 27>.

3) Testify - This is God-driven and testifying God is a form of confirmation about how great our God is. Treasure in jars of clay.

It is easy to have faith that is looking good from the outside, but it cannot bluff through the eyes of God and angels. Ask yourself, are you really walking toward the narrow door?