The Gospel Man, The Wise Builder, The Gospel-Driven Living <Matt 7>

Gospel Man

1. Discern all things, but they don't judge <Ro 14:1-4>
- speak with love, Brethern struggles in love --> face Lord
- God: love & edify --> see through Forces of Darkness
a) spiritual state of others (worldly or spiritual sorrows?) --> not to accuse but liberate others --> meet God
b) god has mercy
c) the weaknesses will not stumble anyone or church 
d) God is will preserve and renew man
e) God is living and he will instruct you to participate in the sanctification of others
*let us habitualise seeing things from a spiritual perspective (discern)

2. Willing to ask, firmly believe in prayer {meet God in solitude}
- our problem is that we do not ask (because we do not believe) 
- God is more stubborn in loving us, moulding us, sanctifying us
- not asking but remaining in a self pity state
- asking not according to gods will
- if we never wrestle with God, asking the right thing (his will) will be very abstract
- Holy Spirit's voice is based on the foundation of gods love --> restore Emmanuel
- connections --> irrevocable relationship (God will imitative because of his love for us); what we desire = what God desires

3. Set apart = Enter narrow door
- seeing the value rather than being different
- people who set apart are people whose hearts rest on the gospel (spiritual matters)
- not let the flesh take the lead but the spirit
- who will set apart:
a) treat god's words as real --> confirm
b) not a change of actions / behaviors --> but a change of our heart, lifetime purpose & direction
c) continuous healing

Gospel-Living <fruits>
- inner fruits (invisible):
a) starts from repentance
b) 9 fruits of HS <Gal 5:22>
- outer fruits