Understanding Christian paradoxes

Paradoxes -  looks contradictory, but true 

Paradoxes will also reminds one of "doubt"

Paradoxes --> doubt 
But do not need to be alarmed 

We need to be counter-intuitive!

Paradoxes in the bible 
  1. Fool --> wise ( 1 co 3:18)
  2. Weak --> strong (2 co 12:10)
  3. Die --> live (mt 16:24, 25:24) (Ro 6:3-4) (gal 2:20)
  4. Surrender --> receive (Mt 19:16-22)
  5. Least --> great (mt 20:25-28) (Lk 9:48)
  6. Humbled --> exalted (mt 23:12)
Cross --> resurrection
Christian doctrine
God's work vs Human participation 

Paradox in our lives 

So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.(sometimes when we bring certain issues to God, things suddenly turn worsen, all the more in man's extremity we need to come to Jesus because Satan's power is there) Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:20-24 NIV)

We also have such states in our lives

  1. 2 different natures inside us
    • Faith <---> unbelief 
    • Flesh <--> spirit (holy) Gal 5:17
    • Christians will have 2 fold encounters
    • Many times we have not believed deeply enough 
    • The very presence of this internal battle is a strongest proof that you are a believer (because there is a new person in you, new disposition) 
    • If your battle today is between willingness to submit to god vs flesh pleasing desire, it is a Struggle and paradox pleasing to God because you are imprinted with the truth, you are aware And conscious of the truth
  2. Unbelief
    • Unbelief is the cause of all human problems 
    • The focal point of all Satan's attack
    • This is the area we most need god's help (divine help)
    • Not that we do not believe, in that moment of unbelief (when we believe in the situation more), we fall (become fearful, directionless, loss power)
  3. Win paradoxical battle?
    • Get counter-intuitive!
    • Restore blessed intuition / spiritual nature / inclination
    • New perspective 
    • Worldly wisdom --> wisdom of God (mt 5 the beatitudes)
      1. Wealth paupers 
      2. Happy mourners (people mourn for ? Reasons -- not getting what you want? If you mourn because you cannot understand the perfect will of god. Turn your sorrow into a godly sorrow, waiting into a godly waiting)
      3. Unaggressive conquerors (be god-driven, be submissive 
      4. "Lusting " saints (usually ppl lust for fun, pleasures, worldly thing so that we can enjoy; only Jesus can satisfy
      5. Self-benefiting benefactors (forgiven much, loved much)
      6. Realistic (genuine) visionaries (think big but grounded on the truth)
      7. Revolutionary pacifists - (child of god brings good news ie peace, but it is counter intuitive to the world)
      8. Winning losers (to suffer is loser? Delayed answers means god left us? Before negative situations, if the cross you are bearing is for the sake of gospel, then you will be rewarded)