Message of Ruth - When people are sinning and has no regard for God, or even do not have faith (In Judges), the hidden God has never stop loving and working His plan.

When you think that God is furtherest away from us (because of our sins), He is closest to us.

Sometimes we feel hopeless in our situations or ourselves, through the book of Ruth, God wants to tell us that there is always an answer, as long as we look to Christ and see His hidden work.

Bethlehem stands for house of bread in Hebrews. 

1. Naomi’s life: Troubles after troubles

1) Problems
Famine forced Naomi and her family to move to Moab <Ex 34: 15 - 16>, which is a land that Jesus hates.
Deaths of her husband and two sons = Lost of identity, security and self-worth. However, she has not  lose God.
Naomi is feeling the situations, the feeling of hopelessness, but NOT hopeless. Feeling of hopelessness will make a person forgets God’s grace.
Even though you have troubles after troubles, do not trust your feelings or informations that can affect your feelings.
The moment when you think that God is against us, you will amplify the feeling of hopelessness. You must know that God is in charge.

2) Man cannot solve
Naomi and family went Moab to find food but cannot. 10 years and have no child.
But when God bring Naomi and Ruth to Bethlehem, they found food and Ruth has a child, Obed.
When man try to take things into our own hands, crack our brains and use our effort, a lot of times, we end up into worst situations.
There is just one simple solution: Come back to the Lord.

3) God has purpose
Although Naomi said that God is against her and caused her life to be bitter, she cannot deny God sovereignty and existence. Just like us in many case - having a paradoxical mindset, flesh VS spirit.
We do not know why God has allowed death to fall upon Naomi’s husband and sons, but we know God has a purpose and He never ever make a mistake - a purpose to prosper us but not to harm us.
Do not think that you have no hope due to past failures and sins, God’s grace is still with you.

2. Resolute to follow God
Resolute so that we will not waver easily and has no excuses. But no one is nobel, firm and smart enough to resolute and follow God.

1) God’s work in the background.
The strength for resolution comes from God. Remember, Ruth saw a Christian family (Naomi’s) died.
It is a good reminder that it is not your behaviour that causes one to believe in Christ. It is Christ that is working in the person. Hence, don’t ask yourself, “My behaviour is so lousy, how can the people around me believe in Christ?”
Naomi has nothing to attract and persuade Ruth to believe in Christ. Ruth is not taking a pity on Naomi, but she is sincerely drawn by God.

2) Resolution <Ruth 1: 16 - 17>
Ruth has a new belonging and new identity. “Your God is my God.” 
My life = Christ’s life
My problems, gifts, talents, time, $ and etc. = Christ’s
*Look at all your conditions with the lens of God.
God’s concern, power, wisdom, words and etc = Yours
Through Ruth’s resolution, you know that Her future is taken care and guided by God.

3. Man’s End -> Beginning of God
When man’s hope, strength and wisdom are empty -> God’s grace will fill up again.
When man is broken -> He / She will be rebuild by God again.
Ruth & Boaz -> Obed, who is father of Jesse, who is father of David -> Glorious child of Christ.