EYF 20150910 Jesus’ Calling and Our Response

Are we sensitive enough throughout the whole day in whatever field we are? God’s voice is always calling for us. When does God calls us? He doesn’t call us when we are super thirsty, insensitive towards us e.g. when we are troubled, upset,having setback especially in our hopelessness. He doesn’t call us where He is but He call us where we are (personal space, in our livings and lives). 

Even He is always calling us but we look down. We can be called by someone famous, popular. Jesus called us up to be useful but we always lose out to God’s calling. Jesus also called ppl out during His ministry to enjoy every blessing from heaven (casting out demons, etc).

Mt 4:18~22 (Immediately they left)
Lk 5:1~11
*We always worry about the future (many things), bothering us (causing us to lose peace); God already provided what we need.

*Do not be afraid;from now on you will be catching men.

(1) How God calls His people?

Even in our situations

1. Jesus initiates - a lot of times we can’t have the humility, faith and strength to call out to God. But the Gospel always initiates and makes the first move, He seeks out for people. God comes to us when we are troubled, where the sinners are (fishermen). They are hopeless but God doesn’t look down at them. Jesus is gracious to lend the *lowest of ppl in the society”. He empowers those He called out to, and these ppl won souls (fulfilling God purpose). When God calls us, He knows our potentials (He is the one who gives us these potentials and talents we have). *It is not about cultivating prayer (calling doesn’t come from cultivating but calling is given to be called as a COG).

2. 1st gave “Vision”
- Fishers of men (to evangelism). There are different stages : to be saved ==> evangelise (witness of Christ/testify Christ). Throughout the history, only when we are guided by the absolute answers (Joseph example) then we can live with vision. Abraham life is also hopeless (wait for a long time) without a child but link it up with vision then there is absolute answers. It is easy to look at third party (Joseph, Ab, David) but the only way is for us to connect then we can find reasons for things we are facing because the world’s voice and standard will strike at us. The only way to fight at Satan is to connect our encounters to God’s vision, for us to lead people to Christ.

(2) Respond in Humilty and Obedience

1. Encounter => repent/humble (not abuse)
A lot of modern ppl treat Jesus like (ATM => sloppy at work, good gifts, abuse)
Do we abuse Jesus? How we repent and humble? When we realise how unworthy we are. It’s not asking God to do what we want. What Jesus care is not about fish (it’s not resolving our tangibles benefits and things) but to bring Peter realise his sin so that Peter yearn for God. Jesus doesn’t care about our spiritual achievements, not about the fruits (peace in heart) but Peter to restore is to have the broken spirit. Sometimes we don’t feel bad about ourselves but we can only realise when we meet the Holy God (a prideful person, an achiever). According to the world standard, we feel we are still alright but we fall short of God's glory. “Healthy Fear” : hang on to God as there is no other way. <James 4:6>
*Believe => Living (live for God)

2. Do as Jesus says (v5) & leave everything (v11)
- We always have assumption towards Jesus (we know better than Jesus, our intelligence ; the world functions, how the government functions), we don’t take His words seriously. 
- Obeying God is not sacrificing our time, our benefits & privilege but it is always a benefit. God will define the benefits (not in our own definitions)
- Something hopeless, human mind/effort can’t work (Peter fish at night)
* It doesn’t matter is plan A or plan B but just want to obey God. Peter’s obedience is kind of reluctant (limited, impossible) but in the end there is mercy. Our faith/submission/obedience id never perfect but Lord knows our struggles (trust God or trust the world and ourselves).

* Radical commitment (it’s not following God half way but all the way). its totally changing direction for God. Leave behind the past dreams (thoughts, desires). * We might have pride because of our conditions.

3. Jesus calling captivates (no other way)
- faith grows/ gospel appear more and more real to me. When thing is not fruitful and not growing then we know the calling is rooted and certain. We have to know God’s calling is more precious than the success of this world.
- Spiritual calling last eternally

God’s calling surpasses our potentials

(3) Fishers of men
- Entire calling (part time employee but full time Christian)
- Call us to be part of His ministry
- Jesus calls, empowers and says “I will make you"
- 1 Cor 9:16~17
- Evangelism: eternal life => Gospelise every details of our lives