More Than A Feeding Miracle
<Mt 14:13-21; Jn 6:47-51>

1. Divine provision
1) Common interpretation
- Jesus is here to provide for all our needs
- but actually Jesus didn't came to earth to fulfill all our dreams or needs, but to change our desire so that He becomes our main desire

2) Jesus is both Giver and the Gift

2. Actually we are already living in miracles
- Miracles are just the eye openers instead of main dish
1) Thus seek not supernatural wonders but miracles in normal days
- God works thru the natural laws that He Himself sets

2) Have normal faith and obedience --> daily miracles

3) Even when we don't see supernatural miracles in our daily lives...higher purpose

3. On giving and thanksgiving
- give God whatever little u have and He will work on it, to bless others and satisfy u
- thanksgiving is opposite from lack of faith, & thanksgiving unlocks further grace