You Are Blessed By The Lord

You Are Blessed By The Lord

Pastor Vincent - 23 October 2014

Lie Weakens, Truth Stengthen

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭27-28‬ NIV) We often live our lives in isolation to the meaning of this verse. In the beginning, God had created with all spiritual and physical goodness, given the ability to control and manage all things (desires, emotions, will, inclinations) and bless us with the ability and longing to spread the blessings we have to those around us.  However, we all know that such is not the case today. Today, despite going to church, believers cannot resist the pressure of the world to pursue success and having more in life; despite praying believers still do not feel joyful, assured and peaceful about what come may is truly plans of God that will prosper them and not to harm them.  Man, even believers, have become so occupied with the lies of Satan to the extent of not knowing they are living in untruths. Because of the lack of truth, we start looking at our creator, ourselves and our conditions incorrectly, subjecting ourselves to the slowly and insidious attacks of Satan, repeatedly. Yet unless one comes to the knowledge of the truth of God, he will never know the greatest problem of his life is not the problems he can see with his naked eyes but the deeper spiritual problem of being separated from the One who gives life to him. Through today's message, may the truths we hear become the strength in our hearts and generate the right need, will, sensibility and emotions in all things. If we cannot see how victimised we are by the Lies, we will never realise how great is the grace that God has given us.  When truth strengthens, it brings us into full resistance to the devil through repeated submission to God's words. And that's how the influence of lies weaken in us and our loved ones.

From Series: "All English Service"

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“Blessed by God”, yet our circumstances do not seem to match this? What is the definition of “blessing”? How would a child of God be blessed? The truth is, believers of Jesus are indeed blessed, yet whenever we lose the assurance of Immanuel (God with us), we will lose the joy and power that we should rightfully enjoy. Though God’s blessings also include outward tangible ones, we cannot simply define divine blessings by those. Trials and divine discipline are also God’s ways of blessing and loving us. Through this sermon, let us confirm God’s blessings once again.

Verses to Read: <Gen 26:1-6; 12-16; 19-29>

1. Though blessed by God, we are still weak.

1) Problem: Lose assurance of Immanuel (God with us).

2) Good news: God came to seek the lost sinner.

2. Blessed people surely have blessed evidences.

1) Outward evidences <v12-14>

2) God’s assured promises <v3-4>

3) Sure and quick consequences when commit sins <v7-10>

4) Trials

3. Response of a blessed person.

1) Forgive

2) Give in

3) Set apart

Preacher Hui Jun
[email protected]

Huijun serves as Secretary of The Blessed RUN Ministries. She is also the Preacher at The Life Church and Missions (Singapore). She graduated from Singapore Bible College and currently lives in Singapore with her husband, Chengji.

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